Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Lock Maintenance: What You Need to Know

Every single day, you use a lock and key to protect your home, assets, and loved ones. Without locks and keys to help us maintain our security, we would likely feel pretty powerless when it comes to our safety. In order to keep one’s locks in proper working condition, lock maintenance procedures must be performed periodically. There are several simple and key tasks you will want to make sure are achieved regularly if you want your locks to last a long time. All locks have expiration dates and most traditional locks and deadbolts will only last six or seven years, even with consistent maintenance.

It is important to follow the steps below if you want to keep your locks working well throughout the year. Neglecting to stay on top of lock maintenance procedures can result in a faulty lock going unnoticed for too long or some other mishap. Ill-fitting or worn locks leave your home vulnerable to a break-in. Make it a regular part of your household chores to inspect your home locks thoroughly, clean them, and make sure they are functioning properly.

Clean Your Locks Regularly

Just like with your home appliances and other items, you will want to make sure to clean your home locks often. Cleaning the lock itself, as well as the parts of the lock connected to the door frame, is important when it comes to extending the longevity of your locks. This quick step will take no time at all and can help maintain your security.

There is no need to use a harsh cleaner on your locks when you clean them. In fact, doing so may damage the finish on your lock, depending on the material it is made out of. A gentle cleanser is, at most, all you will want to use to make sure that your locks are clean. For most locks, a damp rag will be enough to wipe away debris and dirt without risking any damage to the lock in the process.

Keep Your Locks Well Lubricated

You may have never lubricated your locks before, but it is one of the most important lock maintenance procedures that homeowners need to perform annually. Lubricating home locks is fairly simple. Lock and key lubricant can be purchased at hardware stores and only a small amount is required in order to be effective.

To properly lubricate your home locks, spray a tiny amount of lubricant into the lock’s keyway. Then, insert and extract the key into the keyway several times. Each time you remove the key from the slot, wipe away any excess dirt or debris that comes out with it and repeat this procedure several times. This simple task should be enough to keep your locks working well, though it should be noted that a more intensive lubrication may be needed. For some locks, removing the lock from the door first may be necessary in order to apply proper and effective lubrication. If you are not sure if you can adequately lubricate your locks yourself, a certified locksmith can help.

Make Sure the Screws are Tight

Check the strike plate and other components of the lock that have screws. Tighten down any screws and make sure that no loose parts are interfering with the functioning of the lock itself. A loose screw can make it much easier for an intruder to break-in or make it so that other security mishaps occur more easily. Tightening the screws on your locks and the corresponding parts only takes a minute or two and will help guarantee the longevity and durability of your locks.

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